Corporate social responsibility
Paragon ID integrates social, environmental, ethical, and economic concerns within its activities and interactions with its stakeholders.
Our CSR approach
Paragon ID’s responsibility towards the impact of its decisions and activities on society and the environment are reflected in its transparent and ethical behavior that:
- contributes to sustainable development;
- considers the expectations of stakeholders in the risk analysis;
- complies with applicable laws and is compatible with
- international standards;
- is integrated throughout the organisation and implemented through all relationships.
Corporate social responsibility management is based on four areas:
- Business ethics;
- Human resources;
- Environment;
- Innovation and eco-design.
CSR report
Every year, we publish our non-financial performance statement which highlights Paragon ID's approach, orientations and actions in terms of Corporate Social Responsibility.
Discover our CSR policies and engagements.
View our report
Discover our CSR policies and engagements.