
Why choose us?
Our range of « ASK » terminals include couplers, readers and other accessories
Along with smart cards and tickets Paragon ID are also at the forefront when it comes to hardware. Our offering in hardware is cross division, meaning we can supply the technology you need, worldwide. With our wide range of couplers, readers and accessories, whatever your needs are Paragon ID can fulfil them. Here is just a sample of the hardware solutions that we can supply you with.



Reader Development Kit

Universal contactless module
The perfect solution for an effortless transition to contactless.
The ASK universal contactless module is the ideal contactless core module, thanks to its small footprint, high integration and state of the art design including.
The UCM can be easily integrated in any top of the line contactless application. Its unique open design enables your contactless system to be fully compliant with ISO standards.
Download our "Universal Contactless Module" sheet here