
5 reasons mobile ticketing help green goals

5 reasons why mobile ticketing can help you achieve your sustainability goals

Sustainable mobility is at the heart of any smart cities’ green policies. Providing alternative solutions to private cars helps reduce pollution and congestion. Solutions, such as Mobile ticketing exist and can contribute to changing habits and achieving these goals.
Open stats

Discover the power of statistics behind Paragon ID's Open ABT platform

An invaluable decision-making tool for optimising your public transport services.
Cartes papier Calypso

New paper based Calypso transport cards

The new paper based Calypso cards have been developed by transport experts specifically for the public transport market.
What is fare capping

Understanding fare capping

Public transport authorities are investing in smart solutions to encourage riders to use public transport and increase ridership. Fare capping is one of those innovative solutions. Find out more!

Geolocation and asset tracking, an effective tool against theft on construction sites

Geolocation and asset tracking, an effective tool against theft on construction sites

Paragon ID’s technology connects Paco Rabanne’s new fragrance

Paragon ID’s technology connects Paco Rabanne’s new fragrance

Luxury products and counterfeiting: challenges and solutions

Luxury products and counterfeiting: Challenges and solutions

The top 10 reasons for tracking your hospital beds with RFID

The top 10 reasons for tracking your hospital beds with RFID