By Stephanie Girard
03 Jul 2024
asset tracking
access control

Top 4 RFID applications that could benefit the Tour de France

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Because of its flexible nature and numerous advantages, RFID is increasingly present at major events to improve efficiency and security measures.

During large sporting events such as the Tour de France, RFID technology can prove extremely useful.

Here are a few RFID applications that could benefit the Tour de France;

RFID technology is already used at the Tour de France! 

Since the Tour de France 2023, a new RFID homologation tag has been made compulsory by the UCI (International Cycling Union). Although it has been in the test phase for several years, this new tag is used since 2023 and affixed only by UCI commissaires. According to the organisers of the event, this is a new means of combating technological fraud, but also of ensuring that all bikes, wheels, etc. have been reliably checked before use. 

Since last year, teams are now required to provide a list of the equipment they will be using over a month in advance. Everything is then checked by the UCI, and an RFID tag containing the data is fixed to the bike frame. These are then randomly scanned during the different stages of the race to ensure that the equipment used by a rider remains the same throughout the competition. This new regulation limits cheating, but also theft of equipment. 

And there are many other potential applications for RFID.

1 - Rider tracking 

RFID can easily be integrated into riders' jerseys or shoes in the form of chips, so that their position at each stop can be tracked in real time. The information provided by the chip is relayed to the rider's team, as well as to spectators, enabling them to better follow their progress. In the event of an emergency, the RFID chip also plays a vital role for first-aiders, as it contains the rider's medical information and emergency contact details.

2 - Access control 

RFID can also be used in badges to control access to restricted areas. This is particularly useful when it comes to allocating access to participants, staff and the media, to further guarantee event organization and security. 

3 - Race supervision 

RFID technology is capable of improving the accuracy of split time management. If each rider is fitted with an RFID chip, RFID-compatible timing points installed at various points along the course can record riders' passage between each point. With this system in place, organisers are able to monitor the race more closely, and adapt management and logistics to the progress of the runners.

4 - Supply and equipment management

In logistics chains, RFID technology is commonly used to track and manage inventories, optimize storage and distribution processes, and reduce human error. In the case of the Tour de France, RFID can be used to manage supplies and improve their traceability. Whether for food products or sports equipment, RFID offers the possibility of tracking the race in the best possible conditions.


RFID has already made its mark on the Tour de France, and can continue to expand and be of further use in many areas. This solution provides numerous benefits that can enhance the event, whether it's for rider safety, spectator security, or real-time race monitoring.